Sunday 2 December 2012

Day 30 - El Bala (including a raft ride) & back to Rurrenabaque

After a bit of a sticky night in my tent, I awoke shortly after 6am. My guide and cook were already up and so were the Swiss couple. We were told we would be going on a small hike before breakfast to see some macaws a little closer than the ones we saw yesterday. We finally reached the spot where we could view the macaws high up in the trees (on a cliff edge) however we were still quite far away.

My hand this morning! :-(

Owl butterfly in the Jungle

When we returned to camp, there were a couple of locals already present and one I recognised as the 'administrator' (the boss!), who had arrived by boat and had clearly brought some provisions (and later I would discover a few logs!). The breakfast was ok and we all had a pancake each, but I noticed the cook was frying some plantains and I asked if I could have some? I was swiftly told they were not for me! I then noticed the cook was preparing some meat and so I thought this was the lunch for another tour group, but I was then told it was for the boss and his mate! After a while I was presented with a plate of fried plantains, result!

Breakfast cooking in the Jungle!

After breakfast we packed our things and headed down to the river bank, where there was the boat waiting laden with logs. We had to leave our backpacks on the boat, and then lift off the logs and make a raft so we could all float down the river, and back to the mashaquipe camp! Our guide did most of the work, lashing the logs together in a very clever way whilst we held the logs for him. It only took about 30 minutes to make the raft and then we headed off down the river following the current (with our guide using a large stick to make sure we did not get stuck in shallow water!). It was very relaxing and very enjoyable, however after only one hour in the sun I severely burnt my legs (where I had my trousers rolled up).

On the raft!

We arrived back at the mashaquipe camp at about 11:30am. I was shown my original cabin, the bedding was missing and the cleaner (who was around) did nothing about it, and I wasn’t sure why? I was also a little annoyed on behalf of the Swiss couple who were told after arriving back they could hang around the restaurant area (until the boat arrived at 2pm to take them back to Rurrenabaque), rather than rest in their cabin! (I think they actually paid more money than me for their tour package!)

Airing my tent out! (mashaquipe camp)

Whilst all of us were having our lunch it was clear more tourists had arrived, (and all the tourists that had arrived with me were heading back to Rurrenabaque at 2pm, the same as the Swiss couple). My guide told me he had to look after some of the new tourists now and that I could probably find a new group to join and go on another jungle walk in the afternoon. Initially I really couldn't be bothered and was a little tired and so I told him I would think about it whilst having a lie down in my cabin.

It wasn't long before the heavens opened up and I began to wonder if it was worth staying in El Bala any longer. I headed back to the restaurant area where my guide and a few of the others were lounging about and I happened to mention I was thinking of leaving, as I was concerned about my flight home to England on the 5th, and thought there might be a few issues with flights out of Rurrenabaque due to the weather. I finally decided to leave El Bala with everybody else when the boat arrived at 2pm.

Heading back to Rurrenabaque

I arrived back in Rurrenabaque at about 3:30pm. I said my goodbyes to the Swiss couple who were catching the Amazonas flight at 5:45pm. I told them hopefully I would see them shortly as I was hoping to change my Amazonas flight I had booked for tomorrow to today?

Unfortunately at the Amazonas office I was told the remaining flight at 5:45pm was fully booked, but I could change it and fly tomorrow at 7:15am at a charge of 30 Bolivianos. I decided to pay the 30 Bolivianos and fly out in the morning. (If it is delayed, I still have some time to play with!)

I later had something to eat in Rurrenabaque and walked around the market. I was looking for a cheap watch as mine had stopped about 2 hours after I was stung by a wasp in the jungle, (very strange!) and a pair of trousers as I only had the one pair. However I failed to buy either and returned to my hotel with a bag of washing powder! On my return I bumped into the Swiss couple who told me their flight had been cancelled, (yes  cancelled and NOT fully booked!?) and rescheduled for tomorrow at 7:15am!!!


The Beni River - View from Rurrenabaque

I will be up at 5:30am, as I have to be at the Amazonas office to catch their bus at 6am to take me to the airport. I really hope the flight is not delayed!

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