Monday 12 November 2012

Day 10 - The Trans-Apolobamba Trek (Day 2 - Hilo Hilo to the Sunchuli Pass at 5100 metres)

I heard the clatter of pots again at 6am and so I knew Freddie was up and about! I slept quite well and didn't feel the cold that much. I noticed Freddie came back from the shops with 4 eggs and later fried them and they smelt great! I had hot powered milk over my cornflakes with one of my bananas I’d bought yesterday. I was hoping for a couple of the fried eggs, but they never appeared and I never saw Freddie eat any either?

Day 2 - Hilo Hilo to the Sunchuli Pass

Some of the locals came to see us again including the teachers which was nice. By 8am we were ready to set off. Watching Freddie lift his backpack again (with the attached other gear) was not very nice to see. Freddie clearly wanted me to carry his other bag, which I refused and I felt a little bad about it later.

Heading out of Hilo Hilo (south) was quite flat to begin with, and it was nice to be greeted by the local children all saying 'Buenos Dias', on their wonderful trip to school! It wasn't long before we started to climb again, and I felt sorry for Freddie with his backpack again, so I grabbed his other bag and said I would carry it for a few hours.

Day 2 - Hilo Hilo to the Sunchuli Pass

Day 2 - Hilo Hilo to the Sunchuli Pass (looking back)

Day 2 - Hilo Hilo to the Sunchuli Pass

We soon came to a very picturesque village called Piedra Grande, which had some lovely cottages and before too long we were climbing again which was quite tough. When we reached the top (near a waterfall), Freddie suggested we stop for our lunch. I have now realised Freddie is very strong, to carry the weight he does up these mountains, especially with his tatty pair of training shoes is quite extraordinary.

Day 2 - Hilo Hilo to the Sunchuli Pass (Piedra Grande)

Day 2 - Hilo Hilo to the Sunchuli Pass (Piedra Grande)

Whilst sorting out my seating arrangements near the waterfall I lifted a stone and noticed quite a large tarantula quickly disappear, which was a shame as it would have been great to have taken a photograph! I later discovered that the 4 fried eggs Freddie had fried earlier were for our lunch, he is a true legend, they were great cold in a bread bun! We set off again and it was uphill all the way for about an hour to the peak of Soncholli (I think?). From here it was downhill for a while until we reached the Sunchuli Pass which was absolutely amazing. It was great fun to walk over the moss lumps, making sure we did not stand on one of the softer ones!

Day 2 - Hilo Hilo to the Sunchuli Pass

Day 2 - Hilo Hilo to the Sunchuli Pass

Day 2 - Hilo Hilo to the Sunchuli Pass (The Sunchuli Pass)

Day 2 - Hilo Hilo to the Sunchuli Pass 
(The Sunchuli Pass)

Day 2 - Hilo Hilo to the Sunchuli Pass (The Sunchuli Pass)

Day 2 - Hilo Hilo to the Sunchuli Pass (The Sunchuli Pass)

Day 2 - Hilo Hilo to the Sunchuli Pass (The Sunchuli Pass)

Day 2 - Hilo Hilo to the Sunchuli Pass (The Sunchuli Pass)

Once we passed through the Sunchuli Pass it was all uphill again, which was actually quite a tough steep climb until we reached the top where the old mining road passed. From here it was downhill to the valley with a stream running through it. Freddie said we would be camping here which I thought was great as it was such a lovely spot. It was 4pm and it was great to pitch my tent in peace and without an audience! And also great to chill for a while whilst Freddie did the cooking!

Day 2 - Hilo Hilo to the Sunchuli Pass

Day 2 - Hilo Hilo to the Sunchuli Pass

Day 2 - Hilo Hilo to the Sunchuli Pass

Day 2 - Hilo Hilo to the Sunchuli Pass

Day 2 - Hilo Hilo to the Sunchuli Pass

Day 2 - Hilo Hilo to the Sunchuli Pass

Day 2 - Hilo Hilo to the Sunchuli Pass

Freddie cooked another great meal (soup with rice), and we got chatting again. I got the impression he was not getting paid very much by Vincente (the tour organiser). I mentioned that if I have time I intend to climb Mt Llamani, and I would like him to be my guide and so 'cut out' the tour organiser, he seemed to like this idea! When Freddie and I were walking down the old mining road earlier he seemed to suggest he was a guide, cook and porter all in one, and I was thinking 'I wonder if he is expecting some extra money from me at the end of this trek!?' I tried to tell him he should speak with Vincente , and ask him for some more money, (perhaps some of my 430 dollars!) I also found it amusing when he had mentioned the word 'porter' when I was carrying one of his bags!
Whilst we were sat around outside the tents, a herd of llamas came in our direction that was being herded by a lady, which was great to see and made for some great photographs with the mist rising.

Day 2 - Hilo Hilo to the Sunchuli Pass

Day 2 - Hilo Hilo to the Sunchuli Pass

By 8pm it was quite cold in the tent and by midnight it was extremely cold! It was a little uncomfortable, but I did manage to get some sleep.

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