Tuesday 6 November 2012

Day 4 - Copacabana

I had breakfast in my hotel which consisted of a couple of bread buns and a bit of jam with coffee, which was very disappointing! The Wi-Fi was also a letdown!

Early morning in Copacabana

I visited one of the many tour companies in town called 'Andes Amazonia' to discuss the possibilities of doing the ‘Trans-Apolobamba Trek’ with the aid of a guide (rather than an actual tour) as this is what I really wanted to do in a few days time. After much discussion (with the owner by the name of Vincente) it was decided that leaving from La Paz (5am bus) and arriving in Pelechuco in the evening, and starting the 5 day trek the following day going through Hilo Hilo, Incachani, Lagunillas and ending in Charazani and finally catching the bus back to La Paz on day 7 would be the best plan. The price given was 430 dollars including transport, guide and food (which would be prepared for me) for the full 7 days. I went away thinking about it as it was a lot of money. If I decide to go with this it will be from the 10th November on the Saturday from La Paz.
I first visited the Catedral, but as I arrived the heavens broke! So I dived into the nearest restaurant and had a Bolivian breakfast consisting of fried egg, beef and chips. All consumed whilst watching Colombian track cycling on the TV while waiting for the rain to stop! It wasn't too long before the rain stopped and so I headed off again to take a look around the Catedral and the neighbouring Plaza which was all very nice and peaceful.

La Catedral - Built between 1589 & 1669

I then decided to make my way to 'Cerro Calvario' the hill to the north of Copacabana, which was a great little climb which had some wonderful views from the top. I chilled out for a while at the top before heading back down.

Cerro Calvario - Hill in Copacabana

Cerro Calvario - Hill in Copacabana

I later walked to Kusijata at 3km north east of Copacabana, not so much because I wanted to see the Inca ruins, but because I wanted to check out the route heading in the direction of Yampupata, as tomorrow I plan to hike to Sicuani and catch a boat to the Isla del Sol. It was a pleasant enough walk along the lake to Kusijata, but the ruins were a little disappointing and the museum was locked. The locals seemed to suggest there wasn't a key? I headed back enjoying the views and admiring the locals working in the fields.

Views walking to Kusijata (Bull Ring)

Views walking to Kusijata 

After arriving back in town I headed for the large food stall (Mercado), and before long I was devouring a very large deep fried trout served with chips, rice and salad which was delicious! All for 20 Bolivianos. Just outside the food stall was an old lady serving fruit juices, I ordered one and asked if I could take a few photographs, she was happy to oblige.

Fried trout coming up!

Lovely Fried trout

Lady selling fruit juices

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