Sunday 4 November 2012

Day 2 - La Paz

I arose at 6am after 15 hours of sleep and headed downstairs for my breakfast where I met a couple from Newcastle who had been in Bolivia for nearly 2 weeks. They were about to leave and catch a flight to Sucre, they had been in South America for some time and their whole trip was lasting 8 months. I discussed my travel plans and they gave me some tips and advice before I bid them farewell.
I first decided to head for the nearby area of Mercado Buenos Aires, to have a look around the market area. It was packed with people and so after a while I decided to head back towards my hotel and visited a nearby restaurant and had 'Pollo Al Horno' (roasted chicken with chips), which was ok but they over did the tomato sauce and mayonnaise! (I would later learn, this is normal in Bolivia!)
After my meal I headed over to the Witches Market area and generally all around Sagarnaga Street, and slowly made my way along El Prado. Here I visited one of the Entel offices to make a phone to Halifax back in England. After going through the very tedious IVR I was finally put through to an operator who basically confirmed my card was barred (which would have been due to my failed attempts to withdraw money yesterday at the airport). He gave me a ‘security ref number’ and transferred me to another department and said they would be able to help me. When I got through I just heard a message saying "We are closed on Sunday"! I was bloody furious; the stupid operator should have known they would be closed! The 5 minute phone call cost me about 35 Bolivianos, which I thought wasn't too bad! (I informed Halifax two weeks before I left for Bolivia where I was going.)

Iglesia de San Francisco in La Paz - 1549

Iglesia de San Francisco in La Paz - 1549

La Paz

Mercado de Hechiceria (Witches Market)

After I calmed down a little I headed over to Plaza Murillo again and took a few more photographs and bought an ice cream. I then decided to visit the Museo de Instrumentos Musicales de Bolivia which was ok, but I was actually hoping to have an hours lesson learning how to play the charango (as mentioned in my guidebook), but it wasn't to be!

Plaza Murillo

La Paz

After the museum I headed along Jaen Street again, and kept walking up the steep road past Plaza Riosinho. It wasn't long after passing some of the very basic red brick dwellings that I was rewarded with some great views overlooking La Paz.

La Paz

After my steep walk I headed back towards my hotel and visited the very popular ‘Gladys’ restaurant and had 'breaded beef', which was ok but nothing special (maybe I just made a bad choice!) After my evening meal I headed back to my hotel for an early night and thought about catching the bus to Copacabana in the morning.

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