Thursday 29 November 2012

Day 27 - La Paz to Rurrenabaque (Flying)

Writing this blog in the military airport in La Paz!

I was taken to the military airport at 5:30am by the hotels owner's father (who was a very nice man, although clearly a little unsure as regards to driving!) On arrival I overheard a conversation about my flight being delayed until 10am! I later got talking with a German couple who were also booked on the same flight who told me they had tried to fly out on a couple of occasions to Rurrenbaque before and on both occasions had failed miserably with multiple delays, and in the end they gave up and travelled elsewhere in Bolivia! (The second time they were actually on the plane and were subsequently told to get off at the very last minute!)

It is looking as if I may have to spend the night in Rurrenbaque and hopefully start my jungle tour on the following day. Things are becoming a little tight as I fly home to England on the 5th December, and I have no intentions of being in the jungle the day before I fly back!

I've now bought two coffees from both the ladies selling coffee on the ground floor at the airport for 3 bolivianos each, and very nice they were too. Whilst trying to kill more time I visited the upstairs restaurant and purchased another coffee for 8 Bolivianos and it was awful!  Now there’s a tip!

We finally took off at 10:30am and it was an amazing flight heading deep into the amazon. We landed on a stretch of a dirt track otherwise known as a runway! The first thing that hits you is the intense heat. As I walked through the airport building I noticed somebody holding a sign with my name on it and so I introduced myself. I was greeted by a nice friendly man from Mashaquipe who told me he had his car waiting nearby. Whilst waiting under the nearby mango tree for my backpack to be taken off the plane I asked if the tour was going ahead today or tomorrow. He advised it was too late to start the tour today and it will be best to wait until tomorrow. I collected my backpack and we drove into town to the Mashaquipe office.

Flying to Rurrenabaque - Amazing views

Flying to Rurrenabaque - Amazing views

Rurrenabaque Airport

At the Mashaquipe office I was introduced to a lady who took my receipt from the company I had booked the tour with in La Paz (Viacha Tours). I enquired about booking my return flight to La Paz and the lady said she could organise it for me at a price of 651 Bolivianos. I was a little shocked at this price, especially as TAM had charged me only 470 Bolivianos. I declined her offer and advised I would book the flight myself at the Amazonas office nearby. I arranged to be back at their office in the morning at 8:30am for the start of my jungle tour.

I then visited the Amazonas office, which was only 5 minute's walk around the corner. After some searching on the computer the assistant finally quoted me a price of 650 Bolivianos! I paid for my return flight to La Paz on the 3rd December at 5:45pm. Later I walked past the TAM office and noticed outside they had all their flight times for the week, and I could see I could have flown with them early in the morning on the 4th. However, I was glad I was arriving back in La Paz earlier as it will give me a bit of time to relax before flying home.

I then headed to the hotel 'Los Tucanes de Rurr' and booked a room for the night for the price of 90 Bolivianos which included a bathroom. The place seemed ok; however I was a little concerned as to how long the music would continue to play in the court yard!? I also didn't like the sign in my bathroom saying 'You will be charged extra if you have a shower over 10 minutes'! (Not sure how they will find out?)

I decided to have some lunch at a restaurant called 'El Majo' which was very tasty. After lunch I walked along down by the river before visiting ‘La Cabana' for a coffee, but I was subsequently told they didn't serve coffee! I had a good walk around the town and bought a cold drink and a brownie cake! (Advertised outside a small hut, which was served by a lovely lady). I then headed back to my hotel room with plenty of water at hand!

The Beni River in Rurrenabaque



I popped out in the evening for my meal and tried 'La Cabana' again and had a nice 'Pescdo de Plancha', although I thought it was a little pricey. I then proceeded to look for somewhere that could serve me a coffee but failed miserably, unless I ordered breakfast! I decided to head back to my hotel for an early night.

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